Every keynote by Dries, and every time a new version of Drupal core is released, one of the biggest features asked for in Drupal 8 is better media handling. There are currently a wide selection of media management solutions for Drupal 7: media, scald, asset, mediabox and more, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.
At DrupalCon Prague, the first steps were done towards a unified media solution for Drupal 8 using media entities, while the File Entity and Media maintainers wanted to continue extending core's file entities. At NYCCamp the different teams came together to agree on a common solution forward. This session is the occasion to present our progress so far.
Dave will talk about the plan and it's various components being developed for Drupal 8, and will even demo the current progress.
- Slides: http://davereid.github.io/2014-07-18/
- Entity Embed module: https://www.drupal.org/project/entity_embed
- Entity Browser module: https://www.drupal.org/project/entity_browser