Requested Sessions

Everybody has tricks and techniques to help their Drupal sites faster. It would be great to have a session where somebody talked about some common things people could do to help their sites perform...
Builder | Beginner
Michael does a special 45 modules in 45 minutes presentation where he goes through the 45 most popular modules on and describes what they do and how it's useful. Great for beginners.
Builder | Beginner
It would be nice to see a demonstration of a website accessibility experiment or study; ways to make a site more accessible; resources for doing that, within Drupal or third party software.
Builder | No Experience
I'm sure there will be a lot of people who want to get up to speed on Drupal 8 quickly, myself included. What's the difference between d7 and d8 and how do we need to change our thinking to be...
Builder | Intermediate
What is Drush Make and when should I use it. I use Drush now but have never really used Drush Make.
Coder | Advanced
genjohnson did a session I wasn't able to get to about Git basics. Sounds like something I would like to see done again.
Coder | Intermediate
D8 is being built on the Symphony2 framework. What are the basics of the framework and how can I get up to speed quickly?
Coder | Intermediate
Once Drupal 8 is released, there's going to be a huge gap of popular contrib modules. What do we need to know to update these modules to Drupal 8? What resources can help us get up to speed?
Coder | Intermediate
It is easy to upload content (images, PDFs, documents, etc.) but what are some best practices for managing these resources? Is there a way to tell what files are still being used, and to remove the...
Builder | Beginner
I would like to see a demo of Omega 4 and all it's new awesome features.
Designer/Themer | Intermediate
I would like to see a demo of Omega 4 and all it's new awesome features.
Designer/Themer | Intermediate
I'd like to see a presentation on implementing Sass and using it when creating Drupal sites.
Designer/Themer | Beginner
With the Drupal 8 theme system using Twig, it would be really great if someone did a session on it.
Designer/Themer | Beginner
Drupal is pretty good about helping you upgrade minor versions, but what happens when a major release comes out? Many site have been built in Drupal 6, what is the best way to upgrade them to Drupal...
Builder | Intermediate
I have been doing Drupal for so long that I no longer am able to see with fresh eyes. Would be awesome for someone new to Drupal to discuss all the things that are confusing to them.
Builder | Beginner
I would very much like to hear the strengths of other CMS that Drupal does not have. I am not looking for a my CMS is better than your CMS but a simple compare and contrast.
Builder | No Experience
Explain why Drupal is so hard to learn. What are the basic foundational concepts I need to understand in order to get started learning Drupal? What resources are there after the camp that can help me?
Builder | No Experience


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Why did the English teacher and Drupal developer get along? Because they were pro-grammar. -Anonymous (not verified)

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