On many sites we build, there's a need for re-usable panel panes. Each panel pane would then need custom configuration, and some be context-aware within the site.
Enter ctools content types...
Drupal 8 is upon us. With a completely new core, developers need solid example code to guide their upgrade efforts. The Example module has long filled this need and will again for Drupal 8.
Forget Mozart and Beethoven! This Drupally Gitness is Where It's At.
Warning: Some Assembly Required
There are three common problems I've encountered when working on a Drupal project:
Myth Busting website performance truisms - analytical look at actual performance improvements of most popular ‘fixes’
When it comes to site performance, we all know the simple truths:
Performance and scalability is a huge problem space. There's lots of expertise out there to learn from, but it can be hard for a newcomer to organize it all and not lose the forest for the trees...
Why did the English teacher and Drupal developer get along? Because they were pro-grammar. -Anonymous (not verified)