If you have not purchased your tickets for DrupalCorn Camp 2014, stop reading this and purchase them right now.
Here are a few legitimate reasons for missing DrupalCorn Camp 2014:
- ??? (Sorry, I can't think of one.)
Here are a few illegitimate reasons for missing DrupalCorn Camp 2014:
- I didn't purchase a ticket - You can still purchase a ticket right now.
- I don't know Drupal - Sign up for training. Plus that's what the camp is for!
- I don't know anyone going - Attend the GetPantheon Party and meet lots of people.
- I don't contribute to Drupal - Attending a camp, is a contribution in my mind. Or attend the Sprint. There will be mentors on site to help you.
- My presentation did not get accepted - Attend the camp and present as a BOF.
Go buy your tickets! Go register for training and the sprint! Tell your friends!